Important Notice


If you are using our Northeast Georgia EAP program through your employer, you will click on the link below and complete the form. If you do not see your employer listed, please call our office @ 706-549-7755 for the correct link.


If you are looking to register for an Anger Management Class, a Family Violence Class, a Substance Abuse Evaluation, or a Clinical Evaluation, you would have to call our office at (706) 549-7755 in order to get the correct forms sent to you. 

We do not perform Mental Health Evaluations, and we are not traditional Medicaid or Medicare providers. If you have any other questions or concerns you can always give our office a call and we'd be more than happy to help you!



Voice Activated

The title for this section comes from one of our therapists. This therapist often uses a “voices in your head” analogy with clients as a way of externalizing their thoughts about their concerns. In many cases the conflict is essentially “voice activated” as clients are asked to verbally enact any dissonance or ambivalence they have about making the changes they seek.

In this “Voice Activated” section of Help Yourself we offer reading material suggested by staff as a means of engaging emotions and thought. We suggest you read this material with attention to any emotional response or parallels with your own life experiences.

A Reading List by John Lee - Like most of our staff, John Lee LCSW, is an avid reader. He submitted this list of some of his favorite books and literary pieces.

  • Going to Pieces Without Falling Apart - Mark Epstein
  • Blue Fire - James Hillman
  • Love's Body - Norman O. Brown
  • Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind - Suzuki
  • A Year of Magical Thinking - Didion
  • Faith and Violence - Merton
  • Franny and Zooey - Salinger
  • All Quiet on the Western Front - Remarque
  • Sirens of Titan - Vonnegutt, Jr.
  • If you Meet the Buddha on the Road, Kill Him - Knopp
  • A Long Day's Journey into Night - Eugene O'Neal
  • "Sonnet XXIX" - Shakespeare
  • The Wild Edge of Sorrow - Weller
  • Knots - Laing


"Ask Yourself: Bodies at Rest" - a staff generated article on the gift and curse of adaptation - Click to read

"The Science of Bouncing Back"- an article on resilience recommended by Sherryl Richier. Click to read

Itself: by Michelle Castleberry - Click to read

Winston Churchill personified his experience of depression by calling it his “black dog.” That prompted this poem, which was my attempt to address anxiety with a similar metaphor. –Michelle Castleberry