Important Notice


If you are using our Northeast Georgia EAP program through your employer, you will click on the link below and complete the form. If you do not see your employer listed, please call our office @ 706-549-7755 for the correct link.


If you are looking to register for an Anger Management Class, a Family Violence Class, a Substance Abuse Evaluation, or a Clinical Evaluation, you would have to call our office at (706) 549-7755 in order to get the correct forms sent to you. 

We do not perform Mental Health Evaluations, and we are not traditional Medicaid providers. If you have any other questions or concerns you can always give our office a call and we'd be more than happy to help you!



Client Satisfaction Survey



Mailing Address:
1435 Oglethorpe Ave.
Athens, Ga. 30606
Phone: 706- 549-7755
Fax: 706- 549-0428


We would love to know what you think!  Please complete all the questions and press submit at the bottom.  Or if you prefer, you can complete the PDF Survey Form and send it to our office via mail or fax.

Your Name (optional)
Email Address (optional)
Telephone (optional)
How would you rate the
quality of service your have received?
Excellent  Good   Fair   Poor
Did you get the kind of service you wanted? Definitely Not   No, not really   Yes, generally   Yes, definitely
To what extent have we met your needs? Almost all of my needs have been met.
  Most of my needs have been met.
  Only a few of my needs have been met.
  None of my needs have been met.
If a friend were in need of similar help,
would you recommend us to him or her?
Definitely not   I don't think so   I think so   Yes, definitely
How satisfied were you with the
amount of help you received?
Quite Dissatisfied   Indifferent or mildly dissatisfied   Mostly satisfied   Very Satisfied
Have the services you received helped you
deal more effectively with your problems?
Yes, they helped a great deal   Yes, they helped  
No, they really didn't help   No, they seemed to make things worse.
Your Questions